Disc Compression is the Culprit! 👇👇👇👇

herniated and bulging disc

Disc Degeneration and Herniation… Patients often ask what causes a disc to degenerate and herniate. It’s a great question that deserves a great answer. Once a person understands how the disc gets in bad shape, then how it’s fixed will make perfect sense, and choosing surgery before trying a conservative, non-surgical corrective approach will make…

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What is Peripheral Neuropathy?

Peripheral Neuropathy An estimated 20 million people in the United States have some form of peripheral neuropathy, a condition that develops as a result of damage to the peripheral nervous system – the vast communications network that transmits information between the central nervous system (the brain and spinal cord) and every other part of the…

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Degenerated and Bulging Discs

herniated and bulging disc

What are the Characteristics of a Degenerated and Bulging Disc? In contrast to a healthy disc, a degenerated and bulging disc will demonstrate noticeable and visible differences. These differences are easy to see on an MRI. A degenerated disc will thin down over a period of years. A degenerating disc dehydrates over time like a…

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Why I Use Cold Laser Therapy in My Clinic

Cold Laser Therapy

In 2001, I opened a chiropractic practice in the Dallas/Ft. Worth Metroplex. While practicing there, one of my objectives was to learn new and technologically advanced treatment methods for spinal and joint pain conditions. I was constantly looking for better ways to enhance and improve my patient care with the latest technology. One day, I…

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Why I Do What I Do! – Dr. Randall Roth

My Story I would like to briefly share my story and why I do what I do!  A number of years ago, something happened to me that changed my life forever.  When I was about 11 years old my parents noticed that my posture was gradually getting worse.  It seemed like they were constantly telling…

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“On Pins and Needles?”

Doctors of Chiropractic – More than Just the Back and Neck I have realized lately that I have been remiss in educating even my closest acquaintances on the scope of what we do as Doctors of Chiropractic.  Although spinal pain is the day-to-day routine for Chiropractors, it is very far from the scope of our…

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Top 5 Risks to Loss of Neck Curve

Neck Curve Your spine has normal curves that are critical for proper function.  Curves in the spine are necessary to help distribute gravitational stress, and loss of these curves has significant consequences.  There are two types of normal curves in the spine when viewed from the side:  kyphotic curves (backward curves) and lordotic curves (forward…

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Your Sleeping Position May be Causing You Back Pain

Patients frequently ask what brand of bed is best to help reduce or eliminate back pain. Although the quality of your bed can certainly influence a good night’s sleep, sometimes changing the sleep position will lead to less painful sleep. Improper sleeping positions can also accelerate degenerative conditions in the spine that summate over a…

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Peripheral Neuropathy Explained

What is Peripheral Neuropathy? Neuropathy literally means a disease process involving your nervous system.  Your body’s nervous system is comprised of two major divisions:  the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system.  The central nervous system is comprised of the brain and spinal cord, while the peripheral nervous system makes up those nerves that…

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Leg Pain and Weakness? – Do You Have Radiculopathy?

Leg pain and/or weakness are common complaints, and often some of the most enigmatic symptoms for doctors to diagnose and treat.  Although leg pain can be the result of a variety of causes, one of the most common reasons it develops is a condition known as radiculopathy.  Radiculopathy is caused by one or more of…

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